09 Dec

Amen! But honestly, it’s hard to get past when this is what you’ve been exposed to all your life. What do you guys think?


I am going to lose it completely.

Some of you read Kristen Lamb, who writes a blog about writing. It’s extremely popular and usually very helpful. But her latest post was a digression — an extended piece about being a size 10/12 and why she feels fat:

I am healthy, have beautiful skin and hair. I have enough energy to power a small city and am never sick, but I am still a size 10-12 and 170 pounds.

Why is it no one looks like me?

When we look on TV, we are confronted with extremes–super skinny or clinically obese. We are calling anorexics “beautiful” and calling dangerously obese women “curvy.” We are an a country that is dying because of euphemisms. I hear parents call morbidly obese children “husky,” “big-boned” or “muscular.” We have retailers calling anorexics “curvy.”

I get it. I’ve written about this as well.

But, seriously…

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Posted by on December 9, 2012 in Social Rampaging


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2 responses to “

  1. The Undeniable Truth

    December 9, 2012 at 7:52 pm

    I think women should pay attention to more important things than their body weight. There’s no reason to get all uppity because your pants get a little tighter around the waist. Society says otherwise but considering how the total amount of american body fat alone could probably keep Mt. Everest floating in cold water, it’s time to say a collective “fuck you” to shows and advertising that portray the “ideal woman” as being skinny and with no blemishes of the skin. Of course, I’m just a progressive male, so I’m often outvoted when it comes to such things.

    • manderoni

      December 10, 2012 at 5:31 am

      personally I think a lot of males should be more like you. While supportive of a healthy female, will remember that being obese isn’t “curvy”. It’s just kinda hard that this nonsense is what is shoved down a lot of our throats. we should also remember the guys that suffer, too. There is such thing as the “ideal man” that society thrusts in our faces.


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